Healite Led Light Therapy

| Skin
Healite Led Light Therapy

If you’ve ever had a facial treatment or specific brow treatments with us in either of our clinics, then you may have been placed under our Healite after. You might not really have understood why, so let us break it down for you.

A Healite is an LED light therapy device that causes a temporary surge in blood circulation and therefore triggers the skin’s natural healing process. 

It is our go-to device when a client has had a treatment such as IPL, microneedling or a chemical peel because for skin that requires rejuvenation and healing, it provides enhanced recovery.  The Healite sessions can be a utilised as a treatment in and of itself, or can be a great bridge in between facial appointments if you’re tight on time but want to boost your results. 

LED light therapy devices can improve a range of skin conditions, including photodamage, psoriasis, mild-to-moderate acne, inflamed rosacea and can accelerate burn and wound healing.

We use 2 different types of light on our Healite; Blue LED light or Red LED light – both target skin specific conditions and concerns; as they both penetrate the skin at different depths and have different cellular targets.  But don’t get it twisted, LEDs are not like sunbeds as they do not contain ultraviolet rays which are harmful to the skin. 

Blue LED light benefits Red LED light benefits
Reduces sebaceous gland activity Stimulates collagen and elastin
Reduces active acne Treats dermatitis, rosacea and psoriasis
Improves skin clarity and reduces further breakouts Improves lymph function and bloody supply
Has an antibacterial effect Helps to brighten the skin
  Boosts immune function, aiding the healing of impaired/wounded skin
  Encourages skin’s natural hydration
  Relieves muscle and joint pain
  Enhances the results of your other professional skin treatments

So you see, when we ask you to take a little rest under our magic lamp, we can’t promise you any more wishes, but we can promise you a faster recovery, better results and a bit of relaxation.

Book your Healite session for ATHLONE

Book your Healite session for TULLAMORE

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